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HomeEventsMAVA's Greater Minnesota Volunteerism Grants Information Session

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MAVA's Greater Minnesota Volunteerism Grants Information Session

About this event

We are pleased to announce that the Minnesota legislature has allocated funding to the Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement (MAVA), so we can provide needs-based volunteerism sub-grants to under-resourced nonprofit organizations in Greater Minnesota. 

Sub-grants will support selected organizations' ongoing efforts to address and minimize disparities in access to human services through increased volunteerism. 

Successful sub-grant applicants must demonstrate that the populations to be served by the sub-grantee are considered underserved, meaning they suffer from or are at risk of homelessness, hunger, poverty, lack of access to health care, or deficits in education. 

MAVA will give priority to rural organizations that are serving the needs of vulnerable populations. Grants will be awarded in the amounts of $15,000-$75,000 and special priority will be given to: 

1) collaborative efforts (including planning for future collaboration)
2) innovative use of funds that maximize resources 

3) efforts that address race equity in volunteerism. 

Projects will be scored in the following areas: 

• Evaluation and planning 

• Effectiveness of work plan 

• Innovation 

• Resources leveraged. 

• Ability to demonstrate under-resourced status, such as lack of Capacity and financial strength of applicant 

• Demonstrate ongoing efforts to address and minimize disparities’ in access to human services through volunteerism 

• Community impact 

• Sustainability 

• Collaboration 

• Geographic distribution 

• Serving needs of vulnerable populations 

• Diversity of communities served, including racial diversity and populations that are underserved or suffer from or at risk of homelessness, hunger, poverty, lack of access to health or deficits in education.  


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Date and Time

Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 12:00 PM until 1:30 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


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Event Contact(s)

Anne Morehouse


Free Special Event

Registration Info

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