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Large-group Networking Activity
Thursday July 20 from 3:30-4:30 p.m.



Share a great idea you’ve put into practice during the Idea-A-Whirl at MAVA’s Great Volunteer Engagement Get-Together this July!

Did you know the Tilt-A-Whirl was invented in Minnesota? It's true! A lot of great ideas come from our state and our field* -- we want to hear yours!

The Idea-A-Whirl is a peer exchange, where we can learn new ways to make our work with volunteers easier, more efficient or more effective. Your great idea doesn’t have to be something you invented – though it could be – just something you’ve discovered or developed that helps you.

Some examples of the kind of ideas we're looking for:
Hacks: A new volunteer role that's saved you time and sanity, a volunteer management software trick you learned, an easier way to schedule volunteers, or even a google or outlook calendar function that improved your organization's efficiency. 
Tools: An easy-to-use online platform you found for creating virtual volunteer training, a new model for screening volunteers, or tactic to increase email response rates or engagement on social media posts about volunteers.
Tips: A volunteer recruitment message that worked surprisingly well, a way to get more people to stop at your booth/table during a volunteer fair, ideas for preventing cliques between volunteers,  or a volunteer appreciation gift everyone raved about.

This is your chance to showcase your creativity – and maybe brag a little. To share your idea during the Idea-A-Whirl, you should be able to:

  • Present the idea to a small group in multiple discussion rounds

  • Tell a small group about your idea in 5 minutes or less

  • Share about your idea for each of the 5 short rounds of the event

  • Show how your idea works by providing a take-away – a sample, handout, how-to info, a link, etc.

We'll host a virtual version of the Idea-A-Whirl, and a separate in-person version of this event, so everyone attending virtually or in-person can participate. Please consider submitting an idea to share!

Submit your idea by July 7thth here, with a brief Survey Monkey Form.

We’ll be in touch by July 2th to let you know if your idea will be included and outline next steps. All Idea-A-Whirl presenters receive $25 off a future MAVA training, and the opportunity to present at the MAVA conference on a mini-scale.   

Here's a overview of how the Idea-A-Whirl will flow. All idea-sharers will present their idea in all five discussion rounds. We'll compile all the ideas - in-person and virtual - to share with conference participants, so you won't miss out on the chance to gather some new ideas for yourself.

Section of Idea-A-Whirl


Welcome to Idea-A-Whirl!

5 minutes

Round 1 — choose from several mini-presentations

7 minutes (5 for presentation, 2 for Q&A) and 1 minute to switch!

Round 2 — choose from several mini-presentations

7 minutes and 1 minute to switch!

Round 3 — choose from several mini-presentations

7 minutes and 1 minute to switch!

Round 4 — choose from several mini-presentations

7 minutes and 1 minute to switch!

Round 5 — choose from several mini-presentations

7 minutes and 1 minute to get back to your spot

Wrap-up and Takeaways!

15 minutes

Questions? Want to brainstorm? Contact Polly (

*For example, kudos to April Riordan, Chief Operating Officer at Bolder Options, who originated the Great Ideas Exchange - the format the Idea-A-Whirl is based on - for annual conferences hosted by the Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota (now Mentor Minnesota) when she was MPM’s Training Director.