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HomeVILT makeup process

Volunteer Impact Leadership Training (VILT) Series

Process for VILT make-ups

In order to receive your certificate in Volunteer Impact Leadership you will need to:
1. Complete the pre and post-training assessments
2. Complete the organizational data survey 
3. Attend all 8 modules (you may not miss more than 15 minutes of any module)
4. Take the Module quiz for each module until you receive 100%

If you have already missed 15 minutes or more of a VILT moduleand you have already registered and paid:
You need to make up only the module(s) you missed 15 minutes or more of, during a future VILT series.
- First, you need to find an upcoming series where the dates/times work for you to make up the module(s) you missed. (We generally schedule VILT Series 6-12 months in advance.)
- You can find all future VILT dates here, on the main page for the VILT Series.
-When you find a future series that works for your schedule, click "Register Now" and select the $0 Make-Up registration rate. 
- Email when you register at the make-up rate, and let us know which module(s) you will be making up.
- Next, attend what you missed.
- After you have made up the missed module(s), please email and ensure that you have completed the necessary module quizzes and the pre and post-training assessments. 
- We will send you your Certificate in Volunteer Impact Leadership!

If you will miss 15 minutes or more of a future VILT moduleand you have already registered and paid, you have options:

- You may attend some of the original series, and make up the missed modules later (follow directions in the section above to schedule the make-up modules)
- OR you may wait until a future series and do all the modules at once. Email to transfer your registration. 

Questions? Reach out to